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FLA Champions Fix Our Forests Act: Bipartisan Victory in House

In a significant victory for forest management, H.R. 8790, the Fix Our Forests Act, passed the U.S. House of Representatives with strong bipartisan support on September 24, 2024. This landmark bill, co-sponsored by House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Bruce Westerman (R-AR) and Congressman Scott Peters (D-CA), marks a crucial advancement in forest management policies that promise to benefit both public lands and private landowners.

The Forest Landowners Association (FLA) has been at the forefront of advocating for policies that enhance forest management and improve disaster recovery mechanisms by collaborating directly with Members of Congress.

 FLA’s Critical Involvement

The FLA’s tireless efforts in promoting this bill were instrumental in its passage:

Key Highlights of the Bill:

  • Comprehensive Approach: The Act provides essential tools for enhancing forest management on public lands, addressing critical issues such as wildfire prevention, pest control, and disease management.
  • Wide-Ranging Benefits: By promoting active management practices, the legislation aims to create safer, healthier forest ecosystems. This approach will not only benefit public lands but also positively impact neighboring private forest properties.
  • Bipartisan Collaboration: The bill’s passage demonstrates a rare moment of cross-party cooperation, underscoring the universal importance of forest conservation and management.

FLA’s Statement of Support

“The Forest Landowners Association commends Chairman Westerman and Congressman Peters for introducing the Fix Our Forests Act. This bipartisan bill would provide the tools needed to counter the spread of wildfires, pests, and diseases by enhancing forest management on our nation’s public lands which will create safer neighbors for private forest landowners. We look forward to working with the bill’s sponsors to ensure our nation’s forests remain healthy and resilient for generations to come.”

Impact and Future Outlook

The passage of H.R. 8790 represents a significant milestone in FLA’s ongoing efforts to shape forest policy. As the bill moves to the Senate, FLA is poised to continue its influential role:

  • Continued Advocacy: FLA will leverage its increased visibility to build support in the Senate.
  • Expert Testimony: FLA stands ready to provide support and  expert testimony in upcoming Senate hearings, as needed.
  • Grassroots Mobilization: The association is mobilizing its members to engage with their senators, highlighting this bill as well as the Disaster Reforestation Act’s importance to local communities.

Get Involved with FLA’s Efforts

  • Contact FLA’s policy team to learn about upcoming advocacy opportunities.
  • Join one of FLA’s State Engagement Teams to Grassroots Optimization (SET to GO) teams to get vital policy updates and become an advocate for private forest landowners in your state.
  • Share your forest management stories to help illustrate the bill’s importance.

FLA’s successful advocacy on the Fix Our Forests Act demonstrates the association’s growing influence in shaping national forest policy. Stay connected with FLA for updates on this landmark legislation and future initiatives to protect and enhance our nation’s forests.

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