FLA Board of Directors
FLA’s Board of Directors is the governing body for FLA. Board members serve 3-year terms.
FLA Executive Committee

Michael Crowell
FLA President
“We remained behind the scenes and that hurt us. FLA brings our voice and issues to the forefront speaking for the larger constituency of landowners”
Lousiana Forest Landowner, 5th Generation

Lee Wright
FLA President–Elect
“FLA’s track record on advocating for forest landowners’ private property rights and tax issues is outstanding.”
Georgia Forest Landowner, 1st Generation

Robert Crosby
Foundation Chairman and FLA Board Member
Louisiana Forest Landowner, 4th Generation

Hayes Brown
FLA Immediate Past President
“As a member of FLA for over 30 years, it’s an honor to serve on the board. It gives me a chance to give back to the association that serves my interests so well.”
Alabama Forest Landowner, 1st Generation

Alex Ingraham
Government Affairs Chairman
“FLA aligns with our family’s landowner ethic and long-term sustainable outlook for both the forest and family ownership.”
Maine Forest Landowner

Tom Margo
Membership Chairman
American Forest Management, North Carolina

Wayne Alexander
Finance and Budget Chairman
“FLA is the only national voice representing the private forest landowners of America.”
Texas and Louisiana Forest Landowner, 1st Generation

Barrett McCall
Nominating Chairman
“FLA is the pure voice for the ownership of forests. They are very effective for the size of staff and budget.”
Larson & McGowin, Alabama

David Foil
Markets Chairman
Forest Resources Consultants, Georgia

Marc Walley
At Large Member
Forest Investment Associates, Georgia

David Hall
At Large Member
“FLA provides a singular but loud voice to policymakers about what we do, why we do it, and why they should care. They promote us as the true stewards of the forest.”
Mississippi Forest Landowner, Hall Timberlands 4th Generation

Gray Skipper
At Large Member
Scotch Plywood Company, Alabama
FLA Board Members

Terrell T. “Red” Baker
University of Florida, School of Forest Resources and Conservation
Andy Barrs
Georgia Forest Landowner, 2nd Generation
Earl Barrs
Georgia Forest Landowner, 1st Generation
David Brazeale
Arkansas Forest Landowner & Sawmill Owner, 3rd Generation
Jimmy Bullock
Resource Management Service, Alabama
John Burlingame
South Carolina Forest Landowner, 1st Generation
Mary Clapp
Arkansas Forest Landowner, 2nd Generation
Corey Davis
Superior Pine Products Company
Dave Donaldson
Westervelt Company, Alabama
David Duncan
BTG Pactual, Georgia
Wade Hall
Stuckey Timberland, Georgia
Johney Haralson
South Carolina Forest Landowner, 1st Generation
Troy Harris
Director of Timber, Jamestown, Georgia
Greg Hay
Hay Forestry LLC, Arkansas
Will Hodges
Alabama Forest Landowner
Joe Hopkins
Georgia Forest Landowner, 4th Generation
Chris Johnston
Asset Management Partners, Georgia
Hugh Lentile III
MetLife Insurance Management, Tennessee

Cole McMillian
Advance Land and Timber, South Carolina
Scott Mooney
Resource Management Service, South Carolina
Joe Newton
Lone Rock Resources, Oregon
Seth Palmer
PGIM Real Estate, Tennessee
Pete Prutzman
Arkansas Forest Landowner, 1st Generation
Alex Richman
Tennessee Forest Landowner, 4th Generation
Dag Rutherford
Conservation Resources, New Hampshire
Bill Seigel
Wisconsin Forest Landowner, 3rd Generation
Galen Smith
Collins Pine Company, Oregon
Blake Stansell
Aurora Sustainable Lands, North Carolina
Thad Taylor
Dave Tenney
National Alliance of Forest Owners, Washington D.C.
Steve Templin
Louisiana Forest Landowner and Consultant, 1st Generation
Marshall Thomas
F&W Forestry Services, Inc
Jason Watson
ArborGen, South Carolina
Mark Waterman
Green Diamond, Georgia
Jane Williston
Louisiana and Virginia Forest Landowner, 5th Generation
Lynn Wilson
Maine Forest Landowner