Policy Alert: Supreme Court Overturns Chevron Doctrine
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Policy Alert: Supreme Court Overturns Chevron Doctrine

Late last week, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled to overturn the Chevron Doctrine, established in Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. (1984). The landmark ruling in Loper Bright v. Raimondo and Relentless v. Commerce (2024), authored by Chief Justice Roberts, marks a significant shift in the regulatory landscape. For forty years, the…

ESA Revisions Set to Impact Landowners in 2024
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ESA Revisions Set to Impact Landowners in 2024

This month, several revisions to the Endangered Species Act regulations were finalized by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. While some of the revisions are beneficial for landowners, others are a step backward in our efforts to achieve flexibility and collaborative conservation. Service Streamlines Conservation Agreements On April 11th, the Service finalized their proposal to…

FLA Hosts Timber Talk in South Carolina – Planting the Future: From Seedlings to Success
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FLA Hosts Timber Talk in South Carolina – Planting the Future: From Seedlings to Success

On October 3, 2023, FLA conducted a Timber Talk that showcased the journey of longleaf pine from the seedling to the stands. The event included a half-day program and tour at the new IFCO nursery in Windsor, South Carolina, followed by a half-day tour of family landowner Ben Christensen’s longleaf pine straw operations. At the…

Biden Administration Unveils Old Growth Inventory
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Biden Administration Unveils Old Growth Inventory

Last year the Biden administration announced Executive Order 14072: “Strengthening the Nation’s Forests, Communities and Local Economies.”, which tasked the Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management with defining and inventorying old growth and mature forests on federal lands. The order cited the importance of old growth’s carbon sequestration and storage for climate mitigation as…

Every Day is Earth Day for Private Forest Landowners

Every Day is Earth Day for Private Forest Landowners

Private forests provide clean air, clean water and essential wildlife habitat This Saturday, April 22 is Earth Day and for private forest landowners, it’s business as usual, as caretakers of our nation’s forests. America’s forest landowners work behind the scenes every day managing their forests not only to supply wood and paper products, but to…

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Proposes Streamlining Conservation Agreements and Permitting
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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Proposes Streamlining Conservation Agreements and Permitting

Update On April 10, FLA submitted comments to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service regarding this proposal. While we are encouraged by the efforts of the Service to streamline permitting and conservation agreements, we urge the Service to consider additional revisions that would further improve the regulations and help landowners better achieve collaborative species conservation…

Senators Cassidy and Warnock Prioritize Forest Landowners Bill
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Senators Cassidy and Warnock Prioritize Forest Landowners Bill

WASHINGTON, DC –The Forest Landowners Association (FLA) commends the introduction of S. 217: The Disaster Reforestation Act, bipartisan legislation designed to allow private forest landowners to recover from the loss of timber destroyed by natural disasters. The bill, sponsored by Senator Bill Cassidy (R-LA) and Senator Raphael Warnock (D-GA), would provide the economic certainty that…

FLA Keeps Watchful Eye On WOTUS
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FLA Keeps Watchful Eye On WOTUS

On December 30, the Environmental Protection Agency and U.S Department of the Armyreleased a notice of their final rule defining Waters of the United States (WOTUS). The final rule relies largely on pre-2015 guidance: starting with the 1986 regulations as a baseline and updated to include limitations by the Supreme Court on federal jurisdiction since…

President Biden Recognizes Benefits of Working Forests During National Forest Products Week
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President Biden Recognizes Benefits of Working Forests During National Forest Products Week

WASHINGTON, D.C. – On Friday, October 14, President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. issued a Proclamation on National Forest Products Week, 2022, stating: “During National Forest Products Week, we give thanks for the beauty of our forest and the bounty they provide: from the lumber in our homes and the paper we print to the medicines…

FLA Asks Agencies to Carefully Consider Approach to Conserving and Defining “Old Growth”
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FLA Asks Agencies to Carefully Consider Approach to Conserving and Defining “Old Growth”

In response to President Biden’s Executive Order 14072: Strengthening the Nation’s Forests, Communities, and Local Economies, the U.S. Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management on July 15, 2022, released a Request for Information to inform their approach to defining and conserving old growth and mature forests. While landowners can appreciate the cultural significance…