U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Proposes Streamlining Conservation Agreements and Permitting
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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Proposes Streamlining Conservation Agreements and Permitting

Update On April 10, FLA submitted comments to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service regarding this proposal. While we are encouraged by the efforts of the Service to streamline permitting and conservation agreements, we urge the Service to consider additional revisions that would further improve the regulations and help landowners better achieve collaborative species conservation…

FLA Keeps Watchful Eye On WOTUS
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FLA Keeps Watchful Eye On WOTUS

On December 30, the Environmental Protection Agency and U.S Department of the Armyreleased a notice of their final rule defining Waters of the United States (WOTUS). The final rule relies largely on pre-2015 guidance: starting with the 1986 regulations as a baseline and updated to include limitations by the Supreme Court on federal jurisdiction since…

FLA Fights for Workable Solutions in Northern Long-eared Bat Reclassification
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FLA Fights for Workable Solutions in Northern Long-eared Bat Reclassification

Update: Effective Date Delayed Until March 31, 2023The effective date of the final rule to reclassify the northern long-eared bat as endangered has been delayed until March 31, 2023. The Service notes that the delay is necessary to finalize conservation tools and guidance documents to avoid confusion and disruption with members of the public and…

FLA Weighs in on Louisiana Pinesnake Critical Habitat Proposal
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FLA Weighs in on Louisiana Pinesnake Critical Habitat Proposal

In October 2022, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposed to designate 209,520 acres of forestland in Louisiana and Texas as critical habitat for the Louisiana Pinesnake. 72,925 acres of this proposed designation are privately owned, including 2,716 acres of unoccupied private land designated for reintroduction efforts on adjacent National Forest land. FLA prepared comments…

Help Keep Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake Off the Endangered Species List
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Help Keep Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake Off the Endangered Species List

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is seeking data and input on the eastern diamondback rattlesnake to determine whether the species is warranted for listing as threatened or endangered. As part of the Species Status Assessment Committee for the snake, FLA is requesting data from our members. Layering private land data with the existing public…

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Logging’s Ongoing Public Relations Battle

By Bob Williams Most forest landowners understand the critical role logging plays in the long-term ownership and conservation of their forest resources, both from an ecologicaland economic perspective. The Britannica definition of logging is “the process of harvesting trees, sawing them into appropriate lengths and transporting them to a sawmill.” Of course, there is some…

FLA Protecting Your Property Rights With Comments on USFWS Experimental Populations Proposed Rule
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FLA Protecting Your Property Rights With Comments on USFWS Experimental Populations Proposed Rule

UPDATE: On July 3, 2023, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service released the finalized rule on experimental populations. The final rule revises the regulations concerning experimental populations of endangered and threatened species under the Endangered Species Act by allowing for the introduction of populations into habitats outside of their historical range. The Service did little…

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FLA Continues Push for Flexible Forest Management in Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Rule

In 2020, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) announced its proposal to change the status of the red-cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis) from “endangered” to “threatened.” The bird had been listed as “endangered” under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) since its passage in 1973. The 4(d) rule associated with the downlisting included many caveats that…

FLA Holds Timber Talk on At-Risk Species and Forestry Best Management Practices

FLA Holds Timber Talk on At-Risk Species and Forestry Best Management Practices

Communication and collaboration between private forest landowners and land management agencies are key to produce policies and regulations that work for all parties and minimize unintended consequences. The Forest Landowners Association (FLA) strives to bridge the knowledge gap between landowners and administrative agencies through our Timber Talk program, which brings agency staff, landowners, and other…

Sen. Cassidy Emerges as Champion of Louisiana’s Timber Growers

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 21, 2021 Sen. Cassidy Emerges as Champion of Louisiana’s Timber Growers WASHINGTON, DC – With Hurricane Ida still on their minds, Louisiana’s timber growers are holding their breath hoping for a fix in the tax code to help them recover after a natural disaster. The solution is the Disaster Reforestation Act…