FLF Programs
Forest Landowners Foundation
You work hard to manage your forests, so they are healthy, growing and contributing to society. FLF works hard for you to promote U.S. wood markets and the sustainability of America’s working forests.
The Forest Landowners Foundation (FLF) is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization focusing on research, data, and communications that enable those who own and manage their working forests with a holistic approach – financially, environmentally, and socially – to fulfill their forest legacy and pass on the tradition to future generations.
The Foundation is focused on ensuring the economic viability of private forest landowners by:
- Promoting U.S. working forests as sustainable and the leading choice for wood markets domestically and abroad.
- Providing data, insights, and research on America’s forest owners that manage forests for wood markets, while contributing environmental and societal benefits.
- Providing resources for forest landowners in areas of emerging markets, timber taxes, regulatory certainty, conservation cost-share, and succession.
- Developing career-ready forestry graduates with communications, problem-solving skills capable of tackling today’s economic, ecological, and social issues of modern forestry.

Forest Policy Institute
Developing Career-Ready Forestry Graduates.
Providing forestry students experiences beyond the classroom in a 3-day program in Washington, DC, focused on forest policy, public speaking, and networking, students engage with policy professionals in federal agencies, Congress and trade associations learning about the intersection of policy, conservation and the ownership and management of private working forests.

National Forest Products Week
Developing Career-Ready Forestry Graduates.
Sustainable forest management increasingly depends on both technical knowledge and interpersonal skills to collaborate with diverse stakeholders.
Partnering with forestry schools to develop hands-on projects for forestry students, who will work in a team setting to plan and implement communications, awareness, and engagement campaigns, providing students business and problem-solving skills not traditionally taught in forestry classes.

Rob O Fellowship
Providing graduate students with research experience in policy, markets, regulations, timber management, and economics related to forest ownership.

Forest Carbon University
Providing details and answers to questions and concerns of landowners by bringing forest landowning segments together with carbon stakeholders and business interests both virtually and in-person as well as developing easy-to-understand resources to guide family forest owners in their exploration of entering the carbon market.

Cost & Trends of Southern U.S. Forests
In partnership with Auburn University, the survey has become a standard to analyze the cost and trends of forestry management and practices.
Providing a historical analysis and insights into factors influencing costs and management practices.

Assurance of Sustainability of Wood-Supply Sourcing
Promoting U.S. wood by demonstrating the integrated relationship of forest use with healthy ecosystems, rural economies, and keeping land in forest use to promote sourcing wood from the United States with an assurance of sustainability and knowing that they are supporting rural communities and America’s forest landowners.
Donate to the Foundation of Your Forest
Your contribution supports the strategic work of the Foundation in promoting the contributions and sustainability of timber growers, ensuring the economic viability of forest landowners, mentoring and recruiting the future forestry workforce, and providing you with knowledge and resources to successfully manage your forestland and pass it to the next generation. We are a 501(c)3. Contributions are 100% tax-deductible.