FLA Membership

Become an FLA Member

FLA focuses on the private forest landowner — because, without the landowner, America’s private forests cannot be successful.

Our Members

Who We Are

We are an association of landowners who are the stewards of America’s private forests.

Our members actively manage their land with a sustainable approach and for an economic return, ensuring the prosperity of their forests for future generations.

They range from large forest businesses whose land has been in their families for generations to those who have become recent forest landowners because they view forests as a long-term investment.

Why Choose FLA?

Our vision is “For forest landowners to be acknowledged for the economic and environmental contributions their working forests make to society.” Your support enables us to work towards that vision through focusing on policy priorities that generate growth wood markets, keep taxes fair, ensure there are fair and balanced regulations for landowners and that your property rights are represented.

As a member of FLA, not only are you supporting our mission to ensure an expanding economic climate that enables you to prosper from your forestlands, but you are also accessing benefits to grow your resources and to connect with forest experts.

Years of Experience
States Represented as Members
Acres Owned/Managed by Our Members

Member Benefits

Forest Landowner Magazine

Get the magazine six times a year right in your mailbox. Learn about landowners throughout the U.S., keep up-to-date on the latest management techniques and strategies and learn about FLA’s policy directives.

Landowner Learning Webinars

Get invites to landowner learning webinars covering everything from taxes to carbon markets.

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FLA FOCUS e-newsletter

12 issues a year addressing issues important to private forest landowners such as policy updates, upcoming events such as webinars, and more.

Timber Talks & Forest Forums

Join us for in-person meetings such as timber talks and forest forums where we discuss issues on the ground along with the USFWS and USFS.

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Discounted Rate to National Conference

Our conference is held annually, allowing you to connect with landowners like you throughout the U.S. and provide direct access to forestry experts, services, and product providers. Learn new strategies and find additional resources

A Network of Private Forest Landowners

Have a network of private forest landowners at your fingertips to connect and learn from.