
Forest America


There are several contributing factors guaranteeing sustainability that are like pieces of a puzzle. When those pieces come together, we get a clear picture of what sustainability looks like for U.S. private forests.

 The pieces ensuring sustainability for forests in the United States include:

  • Good stewardship
  • Access to free and open markets
  • Private property ownership
  • Laws and regulation
  • Best management practices (BMPs)

Forests have proven to be incredibly resilient with no loss of volume over the past 100 years, despite the urban sprawl associated with massive population growth.  Private Landowners in America have protected water quality with Best Management Practices; adhered to the Clean Water Act;provided habitat for countless species of plants and animals; and positioned themselves to be a part of the solution to the nation’s energy issues.

Family forest landowners have demonstrated long-term sustainability for more than a century and maintained a passion for the land, leaving a legacy of healthy forests for future generations to enjoy.

Responsible Timber Harvesting

Private forest landowners have been good stewards of the land, managing it properly for sustainability, creating an environment more attractive for wildlife and recreation and less susceptible to wildfire and disease.

With today’s technology and a 98% compliance rate with state regulated best management practices (BMPs), it’s possible to harvest timber in a sustainable manner that protects the environmental benefits the public has come to expect from private working forests.  Private landowners practice sustainable management of their lands through following practices outlined in their state best management practices (BMPs) handbooks, select harvesting, optimized methods of reforestation, thinning, and fire and infestation prevention, while protecting natural resources such as water and fish and wildlife habitats.